Social Contribution

Social Contribution

Expand education

welfare support

Expand support for the


Expand medical welfare


Social Contribution

  • Provide support for brain disease surgery costs
  • Sponsor philanthropic medical institutions
  • Provide scholarships to nurture local talent
  • Donate to college development funds
  • Employee volunteer activities
  • Sponsor care for the underprivileged

Social Contribution

Category 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Social contribution investment (KRW million) 267 265 265 402 542
Ratio against net income 0.6% 0.9% 2.8% 1.0% 1.4%


Support to Cover Surgery Costs for Brain Disease

To realize medical welfare, we provide support to brain disease patients so that they can receive surgery. By covering costs for patients who are burdened by the high costs, we help the patients quickly recover their health and enhance their quality of life.

Provide Scholarships to Nurture Talent

Koh Young Technology is consistently supporting local scholarship foundations so that talented students who are experiencing financial difficulties can focus on their studies

Sponsor Philanthropic Medical Institutions

Koh Young Technology is consistently supporting charitable medical institutions that provide free medical treatment to the marginalized and underprivileged.

Employee Volunteer Activities

Koh Young Technology is conducting volunteer activities that are aimed at contributing to win-win cooperation with local communities and helping underprivileged neighbors. We steadily conduct sharing activities that employees directly participate in, such as painting murals in old alleys in the local community, making kits for seniors living alone, and delivering Christmas boxes to underprivileged children.