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Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors of Koh Young Technology makes decisions on major issues and supervises the execution of duties by directors and executives for the benefit of the company and its shareholders.

Composition of the Board of Directors

The BOD is composed of seven directors (5 executive directors and 2 independent directors). Koh Young Technology’s independent directors, whose independence is secured according to independent director independence requirements, account for 29% of BOD members.

Name Category Career Period of Service Term
Kwangill Koh Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • (Current) CEO, Koh Young Technology
  • Head of Research & SMT Business, Mirae Corp.
  • Head of Industrial Machines R&D Department, Central R&D Center, LG Electric
  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
2002 ~ Current 2023.03.29~2026.03.29
Injoon Hwang Executive Director
  • (Current) Head of the Finance Division, Koh Young Technology
  • POSCO Special Steel
  • B.A. in Accounting, Chung-Ang University
2002 ~ Current 2023.03.29~2026.03.29
Jaeduk Shin Executive Director
  • (Current) Head of the Global Sales & Support Division, Koh Young Technology
  • SK Teletech
  • B.S. in. Electrical Engineering, Korea University
2004 ~ Current 2023.03.29~2026.03.29
Wooyoung Lim Executive Director
  • (Current) Head of Inspection Equipment PM, Koh Young Technology
  • Head of R&D Planning, Koh Young Technology
  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Design, Sungkyunkwan University
2005 ~ Current 2022.03.29~2025.03.29
Yuri Koh Executive Director
  • (Current) Head of Medical Business, Koh Young Technology
  • Head of Medical Overseas Business, Koh Young Technology
  • Ph.D. in Cognitive Science, Seoul National University (completion)
2012 ~ Current 2022.03.29~2025.03.29
Youngbae Kim Independent Director
  • (Current) Independent director, Koh Young Technology
  • Dean, KAIST College of Business
  • Ph.D. in Management Engineering, KAIST
2020 ~ Current 2023.03.29~2026.03.29
Junghun Kang Independent Director
  • (Current) Independent director, Koh Young Technology
  • Head of Human Resources Division, Citibank Korea
  • B.S. in Economics, Seoul National University
2023 ~ Current 2023.03.29~2026.03.29

Board Skills Matrix

Category Kwangill Koh Injoon Hwang Jaeduk Shin Wooyoung Lim Yuri Koh Youngbae Kim Junghun Kang
Global Business
Sales and Marketing
Gender Identity M M M M W M M

BOD Activities

Date Agendas Results Attendance
Oct 23 2023 Report on business performance of 3rd quarter of 2023 Approved 7/7
Sept 25 2023 Decision on acquisition of treasury stocks Approved 7/7
Decision on lease agreement Apporved 7/7
Sept 5, 2023 Report on business performance of 2nd quarter of 2023 - 7/7
May 22, 2023 Report on business performance of 1st quarter of 2023 - 7/7
April 12, 2023 Decision on Disposition of tangible assets Approved 7/7
March. 29, 2023 Approval of appointment of Chief Executive Officer Approved 7/7
Approval of appointment of Chairperson for the Independent Director Candidate Recommendation Committee Approved 7/7
Approval of appointment of committee member for the ESG committee under the Board of Directors Approved 7/7
Feb. 14, 2023 Approval of the 21th period (FY 2022) financial statements (including consolidated) and statements of appropriations of retained earnings (plan) Approved 7/7
Decision on calling the 21th regular general meeting of shareholders Approved 7/7
Decision on relocation of branch Approved 7/7
Date Agendas Results Attendance
Nov. 08, 2022 Report on business performance of 3rd quarter of 2022 - 7/7
Jul. 26, 2022 Report on business performance of the first-year half of 2022 - 7/7
Decision on stock grant plan Approved 7/7
May 30, 2022 Decision on equity investment in Koh Young Research Spain, S.L. Approved 7/7
Apr. 26, 2022 Report on business performance of 1st quarter of 2022 - 7/7
Approval of appointment of Chairperson for the Independent Director Candidate Recommendation Committee under the Board of Directors Approved 7/7
Approval of appointment of Chairperson for the ESG committee under the Board of Directors Approved 7/7
Feb. 15, 2022 Approval of the 20th period (FY 2021) financial statements (including consolidated) and statements of appropriations of retained earnings (plan) Approved 5/5
Decision on calling the 20th regular general meeting of shareholders Approved 5/5
Jan. 18, 2022 Report on business performance of 4th quarter of 2021 and FY2021 - 5/5
Decision on stock grant plan Approved 5/5
Decision on acquisition of treasury stocks Approved 5/5
Date Agendas Results Attendance
Nov. 18, 2021 Report on business performance of 3rd quarter of 2021 - 5/5
Sep. 08, 2021 Selection of production center constructor Approved 5/5
Approval of borrowing for production center construction Approved 5/5
Jul. 21, 2021 Approval of establishment of Independent Director Candidate Recommendation Committee under the Board of Directors Approved 5/5
Approval of enactment of Board of Directors regulations Approved 5/5
Approval of ESG Strategy and Plan Approved 5/5
Report on business performance of 2nd quarter of 2021 - 5/5
Approval of establishment of ESG Committee under the Board of Directors Approved 5/5
Apr. 07, 2021 An equity capital increase to the subsidiary in China (Koh Young Technology Suzhou) Approved 5/5
An equity capital increase to the subsidiary in Japan (Japan Koh Young) Approved 5/5
Mar. 04, 2021 Approval of the 19th period (FY 2020) financial statements (including consolidated) and statements of appropriations of retained earnings (plan) Approved 5/5
Decision on calling the 19th regular general meeting of shareholders Approved 5/5
Feb. 01, 2021 Report on business performance of FY 2020 - 5/5
Decision on stock grant plan Approved 5/5
Date Agendas Results Attendance
Jul. 27, 2020 Report on business performance of 2nd quarter of 2020 - 7/7
Report on ESG management and plan - 7/7
Mar. 23, 2020 Approval of appointment of Chief Executive Officer Approved 7/7
Mar. 04, 2020 Decision on calling the 18th regular general meeting of shareholders Approved 7/7
Approval of the 18th period (FY 2019) financial statements (including consolidated) and statements of appropriations of retained earnings (plan) Approved 7/7
Date Agendas Results Attendance
Sep. 05, 2019 Decision on equity investment in Koh Young Vietnam Co., Ltd Approved 7/7
Jun. 10, 2019 Decision on equity investment in Koh Young Research Canada Inc. Approved 7/7
Feb. 11, 2019 Decision on calling the 17th regular general meeting of shareholders Approved 7/7
Approval of the 17th period (FY 2018) financial statements (including consolidated) and statements of appropriations of retained earnings (plan) Approved 7/7
Date Agendas Results Attendance
Dec. 17, 2018 Decision on purchases of manufacturing site Approved 6/6
Nov. 13, 2018 Decision on trust contract for treasury stocks acquisition Approved 7/7
Sep. 12, 2018 Decision on transfer of headquarters Approved 7/7
May. 23, 2018 Decision on acquisition of property, plant and equipment (Land) Approved 7/7
Apr. 27, 2018 Decision on transfer of R&D center Approved 7/7
Mar. 07, 2018 Approval of the 16th period (FY 2017) financial statements (including consolidated) and statements of appropriations of retained earnings (plan) Approved 7/7
Amendment to the date of 16th regular general meeting of shareholders Approved 7/7
Jan. 19, 2018 Decision on disposal of treasury stocks Approved 7/7
Decision on calling the 16th regular general meeting of shareholders Approved 7/7

BOD attendance rate

Fiscal Year 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Events 3 6 6 7
Attendance rate 100% 100% 100% 100%

Committees Under the BOD

The Board of Directors of Koh Young Technology operates the ESG Committee and the Independent Director Candidate Recommendation Committee.

Committee Status

The ESG Committee and the Independent Director Candidate Recommendation Committee consist of a total of 4 members (2 executive directors and 2 independent directors), with independent directors accounting for approximately 50% of the composition. Independent directors maintain an independent relationship with the company and have no special transactions with the company.

Committee Major Activities Committee Composition
Independent Director Executive Director
ESG Committee Identify various topics and issues related to the operation of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) sectors and deliberates on its sustainable management strategy Youngbae Kim Injoon Hwang
Junghun Kang Jaeduk Shin
Independent Director Candidate Recommendation Committee Verifies a candidate’s independence, diversity, competencies, and other factors and recommends the candidate to the BOD Junghun Kang Kwangill Koh
Youngbae Kim Injoon Hwang